Oct 12, 2023
Latest Update
Those who are in contact with live or dead birds, especially those in the poultry industry are advised to wear personal protective equipment including safety goggles, gloves, boot covers, disposable aprons/clothing (fluid resistant), disposable head covers and masks (N95) capable of preventing inhalation of aerosolised virus particles. Hand washing with disinfectant soap after contact with poultry or birds is essential.
This situation only promises to get worst and we plead with all our customers to exercise patience while we look for preventive measures to have them visit without any repercusion to our birds. Although we love to have our clients at the farm, we all agree that the safety and health of the birds comes first and it is therefore paramount for us to do all we can to prevent infection.
We hold a healthy flock at the moment and we would very much love to keep it that way. We do very much hope that we would weather this storm and once again start receiving our valued clients to the farm.